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Static is an imbalance of electronic charge on the surface or whithin a material. Often used as a child's plaything, minor static charges will bridge a tiny gap with a grounded object by "jumping" or arcing from the higher charged media to the lower with a snap and flash. A somewhat more dramatic example is lightning, which crosses thousands of feet of airspace at the speed of light, vaporizing a hole in the atmosphere which collapses with the familiar boom of thunder. Whether seen as a tiny spark or a huge flash, static is an amazing phenomenon. Our Static charm captures the instant of arcing in a flash of sterling silver
All of our pendants are available with a variety of chain styles and lengths. Please call 610-439-8833 or e-mail us, should you have any questions.
* Prices are subject to change without notice due to any unforseen market jumps in precious metals. Please call for gold price and availability.